субота, 14. децембар 2013.

Self Confidence: Am the Captain of my own ship and Master of my own fate

Hello everyone! Lately I found myself very low in Self Confidence. That is why I'm searching for some help. Today, I found this very inspirational video, which I highly recommend.
If you have some thoughts about this topic, please be free to post your comment on this blog or style.researcher@gmail.com
Hope you all enjoy winter time! 

четвртак, 1. август 2013.

Meet Virginia

Hello everyone! 
                        Wish you the most magnificent summer ever! 

Magic Stair Affair

четвртак, 28. март 2013.

Philanthropy-For the love of Humanity

           Please take a look on these very creative video How To Be A Philanthropist about Philanthropy.
 For us who are still learning what that really is...